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Theodore Nesterov
Theodore Nesterov

Duel Identity, Part 1Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters : ... UPDATED

The season follows Yugi Mutou and his friends - Katsuya Jonouchi, Hiroto Honda, and Anzu Mazaki (renamed to Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor and Téa Gardener in the English adaptation) - to Duelist Kingdom, a tournament on the island of the same name, to free the soul of his grandfather, Sugoroku (renamed Solomon Moto in the English adaptation) from imprisonment by Pegasus J. Crawford (renamed Maximillion Pegasus in the English adaptation). The last ten episodes deal with the aftermath of Yugi's duel with Pegasus, including several filler episodes featuring original storylines not seen in the manga.

Duel Identity, Part 1Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters : ...

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Once Yugi and his friends reach Duelist Kingdom, Pegasus announces that there are many strange secrets on the island which will make his ultimate tournament unlike any they have ever had. When Weevil begins to use these mysterious new rules against Yugi from within their duel, Yugi must not only figure the rules out, but master them as well if he is to survive. After Yugi defeats Weevil's first wave of Duel Monsters, he's shocked to discover that Weevil has one last trick up his sleeve; a ravenous Great Moth that grows in power with every turn. Yugi must find a way to destroy this winged beast before it destroys him.

Once Yugi and his friends reach Duelist Kingdom, Pegasus announces that there are many strange secrets on the island which will make his ultimate tournament unlike any they have ever had. When Weevil begins to use these mysterious new rules against Yugi from within their duel, Yugi must not only figure the rules out, but master them as well if he is to survive. After Yugi defeats Weevil's first wave of Duel Monsters, Weevil summons a ravenous Great Moth that grows in power with every turn, which Yugi is able to defeat, winning him the match and eliminating Weevil from the tournament at the same time as well.

Yugi and the others learn that Mai has been defeated by Panik, one of the Duelist Kingdom Eliminators, and faces being axed from the tournament for losing all her star chips. Yugi volunteers to duel Panik and win back Mai's star chips.

Yugi unleashes his trump card, the Swords of Revealing Light, which illuminate Panik's side of the field and unmask his monsters. Yugi eventually wins the duel (and by extension, Mai's star chips back) and soon dispatches Panik with his "Mind Crush" ability after the latter had tried to burn Yugi alive with the use of his flamethrowers.

MAI has rebounded from her previous loss to JOEY to become a better duelist. Has YUGI learned from his loss to KAIBA, or is the emotional defeat still weighing on his heart? The answer is in the cards!

Mai is introduced as a selfish and arrogant duelist who only participates to win wealth and fame.[1] She is often very cynical about dueling, claiming that a duelist only has himself to trust and count on. This cynicism leads her to cheer against Yugi Moto and Joey Wheeler during the first half of the season. After Yugi wins her star chips back from Panik, an eliminator who kidnapped and strong-armed her into dueling, she has a change of heart and begins to consider Yugi, Joey, Téa Gardner and Tristan Taylor as friends. She returns the favor by offering her extra star chips to Yugi following his defeat in his last duel with Kaiba. She later shows personal growth when she tries to knock Yugi out of his gaze. She reveals she has learned from her last duel with Joey about how a person can learn from their defeats than their victories.

She reveals during the duel that she was alone as a child, living with wealthy parents who did not give her any attention.[3] Upon obtaining a job on the cruise, Mai discovered Duel Monsters and became close with the "Harpie Lady" cards, regarding them as the closest things to friends she had.[3] All of this displayed her true weakness: her fear of loneliness. Near the end of the duel, her individualist attitude is gone and she welcomes the help and support of her friends.[3] As everyone parts ways following the end of the Battle City tournament, Joey confronts her about his true feelings as he fought for her during the tournament.

In season four, Mai undergoes several personal struggles. Despite maintaining a winning streak in many tournaments, she fails to rank in the same class as Joey, Kaiba and Yugi. This causes her to feel inadequate and alone. In addition to this, she starts having nightmares about Marik and her time in the shadow realm. This makes her malleable and easy to convince, which allows Dartz to easily recruit her as one of his minions. Mai becomes cold and hard-hearted, wanting nothing but vengeance and power. Despite this, she is still plagued by the fear of losing. After winning her last duel with Joey, she realizes the error of her ways and that he was the only one that truly cared for her.

Yugi is part of a close-knit group of best friends: Joey Wheeler, Tristan Taylor, Téa Gardner and Bakura Ryou. Yugi's friends often cheer him on from the sidelines, and Joey has dueled at his side. Yugi has been friends with Téa since childhood and has a romantic crush on her. Téa has been shown to have romantic feelings for both Yugi and Yami Yugi.

Jaden Yuki bumps into him on the way to the Duel Academy sign-ups. Yugi gives Jaden the card "Winged Kuriboh". In the Japanese version, he says the card is lucky. In the English dub, he says that he feels the card belongs with Jaden.[154]Yugi's Deck goes on display at Duel Academy. Later on, it is stolen by Dimitri, who duels Jaden with it. During the duel, Dimitri began to mimic Yugi and a shaded figure of Yugi appeared behind him. Afterward, the Deck is returned.[155][156]

In his duel with Gravekeeper's Chief, Jaden mentioned that Yugi had won many Shadow Duels.[157] While Lyman Banner was giving a history lesson, he mentions Yugi and Kaiba as the best Duelists of their generation and shows drawings of them to the class. One of the girls in the class says that they are one of the best looking, and another girl calls them dreamboats.[158]During Jaden's duel with the Dark Magician Girl, Bastion Misawa and Zane Truesdale state that Yugi's the only duelist that possesses the "Dark Magician Girl" card, making them confused about who Jaden's dueling against.[159]

When Jaden visits the Kame Game shop during the school trip, Solomon Muto states Yugi went on another journey and he does not know when he will come back.[160]While Jaden is dueling T-Bone, Jaden gives T-Bone some words of wisdom, which Solomon Muto believes to be exactly what Yugi would have said.[161]

Set before events of the Waking the Dragons arc and his duel with Jaden, Yugi attended a Duel Monsters tournament at Domino Plaza, where Pegasus was handing out cards to young children. Paradox time traveled to this event in order to kill Pegasus. He Summoned "Cyber End Dragon" and used it to attack the plaza, burying Pegasus and Grandpa under rubble. Yugi managed to survive the attack and began to search for survivors. He then found his grandfather's bandanna and wept over his death. However the Crimson Dragon appeared and swallowed Yugi.[167]

Roze's and Azalea's duel is cut short by Zard, who reveals he filled the latter's body with nanomachines that can hurt her on command to ensure her loyalty. Disgruntled by that and the fact that Azalea was overpowering her, Roze demands to be made stronger and allowed another 1-on-1 match against Raye.

ose name was Yusaku. They accidentally dropped their cards and quickly collected them. Seeing Yusaku was a duel monsters fan, Ryoken invited him to his house to show him his deck, acting as bait to draw him to Dr Kogami, the man behind the Lost Incident.

Spectre and Revolver subsequently elaborated the events of the Duel with Playmaker. Revolver preferred Playmaker having his hands on Ignis for a while over SOL Technology having him, but added they should not leave him with Playmaker for too long. He them summed up a list of characteristics of Playmaker's that might help discover his true identity, one of these being that Playmaker would eventually want to Duel him. Later on, Revolver sensed Ignis and tried to find him but failed. He later discussed a new program with Kiyoshi Kogami. Hearing an alarm, Revolver briefly logged off VRAINS to go visit his father and assured him he would fulfill his wish.[8] Later inside the Knights base, he and Specter watched Blue Angel's public announcement to duel Playmaker. Spectre told Revolver that they could use her.[9]

To stop Revolver, Playmaker and his opponent went on their D-Boards to have a Speed Duel around the tower. This displeased Ai, since they were Dueling in a dangerous area. Playmaker reminded Revolver about his goal to destroy Ignis, and pointed out he would throw the world into chaos by destroying the network. Revolver explained he would not have been forced to do this if Ignis was given him from the start, and would not have anyone stop his plan. Revolver promised to destroy Ai, who was feeling unpleasant. Since Revolver defeated many people, Playmaker swore to stop him through this Duel. Ai motivated Playmaker, who took the first turn by summoning "Decode Talker". Ai was glad the monster was summoned, though Revolver simply smiled. Playmaker used "Stack Reviver" to bring back "Backup Secretary" and boost the ATK of "Decode Talker" for a bit. Ai warned Playmaker about the floating debris, which nearly hit them. Ai was nevertheless enthusiastic, believing that his teamwork with Playmaker would prove no match against Revolver. Ai started to practice punching, which made Revolver remark what an arrogant AI it was. Revolver gave Playmaker a question why Ai was running away from the Knights of Hanoi. Ai reminded it was its existence on the stake, while Playmaker remembered Ai had few memories when he first found it. Revolver explained Ignis was coded by Dr. Kogami, and since Playmaker could not decode it, he only believed what Ai told him. Revolver explained through the data he acquired, Ai still had memories of its past. He claimed that Ignis' ID was "IGN006", an AI linked to the sixth test subject, shaped after Playmaker itself. Revolver continued, explaining six test subjects were used for Dueling to create six artificial intelligence units, which was the goal of the Lost Incident project. He told Ai learned through Playmaker's actions, its original goal was to save humanity, but they evolved quickly, to the point of creating the Cyberse World, which Ai hid to protect other Ignises. Revolver pointed out Ai, in fact, was misleading Playmaker, lying that it lost its memories. Due to the fact it could lie, Revolver branded Ignis as a threat to humanity, and why the Knights of Hanoi were determined to hunt it down. Revolver questioned Playmaker would he continue trust Ai, who tried to explain when he saw Playmaker, Ai knew it was the same person he observed during the Lost Incident. However, he claimed he had been trying to escape, and could not trust anyone. Revolver was angry Ai continued lying, but Playmaker reminded this had no bearing on their Duel. Ai feared what would happen to his friendship with Playmaker, who brushed him off, reminding Ai was just a hostage, and felt no friendship towards him. Revolver swore to defeat Playmaker and crush Ai, who warned them about another debris. Drawing "Mirror Force", Revolver set it and summoned "Spin-Headed Behemoth". Ai pointed out how suspicious it was that Revolver summoned a low-ATK monster, but Playmaker shushed him. Playmaker, per Ai's warning, dodged a debris, which scratched a part of his face, which quickly regenerated. Looking at Revolver's set card, he remembered Go and Ghost Girl's sacrifices, knowing that card must be "Mirror Force". Thus, his Defense Position"Foal Tolelancer" protected his Attack Position monsters from being destroyed by such cards. Revolver showed it, indeed, was "Mirror Force", but "Spin-Headed Behemoth" shifted all of Playmaker's monsters to Attack Position. Without the protection of "Foal Tolelancer", all of Playmaker's monsters were destroyed, too. In addition, Revolver Special Summoned "Overflow Dragon" and summoned an "Overflow Token". Despite the lack of trust, Ai reminded he would be destroyed if Playmaker lost, who simply ignored Ai. Going on offense, Revolver Link Summoned " 041b061a72


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