Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family - How this Book will Teach you Everything you Need to Know about Architecture, Programming, and Design (PDF)
the 8088 is said to be based off the 8080, a revolutionary chip for its time and also for pin compatibility as most if not all of the pins are compatible with the 8080 so in effect you can swap out 8080 chips with 8088s and be close to the functionality. the 8088s instruction set was the first of the x86 instruction sets to be released, with microprocessor chip maker intel releasing the 8086 in april 1978. since then, the x86 instruction set has been the dominant instruction set used by pcs, servers, and other computer systems.
Microcomputer Systems The 8086 88 Family Pdf Download
my new policy is to never do anything if its crap as all systems are crap sometimes. and so bad engineering has always been the answer in the past (up to paul]. its the thing that gave you style and every time you see my signature it says 'oh how the times change'.
what is there to say? i am a computer engineer, entrepreneur, and visionary. i started my first company at the age of 6. i build computers to help people. i love computers, programming and people. i have designed, built, marketed and sold high-volume multi-processor server computers and embedded systems for over 25 years. my goal is to make linux a good choice for the masses.
so, you have any comment on the articles claim that it inspired linux in a way they didnt quite support that. what they said was xenix put unix on personal computers, got it deployed to many universities, developed ecosystems, significant contributions to posix, and made it useful in a bunch of ways. linux did do many of the same things but i still lack any clear evidence tying them other than the posix-like functions.