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The game has officially changed. In a stunning moment, a shark has attacked a foil enthusiast in Florida thus shattering the aura of invincibility surrounding Mark Zuckerberg, his best friend Kai Lenny, shaper to the stars Jon Pyzel and all those who have taken up foiling.
Shark WatersHD
All that changed, days ago, when Florida kite foiler Erika Lane became the second known foil shark attack victim. There she was south of Anna Maria City Pier in the gulf when a shark swam right up behind her, jerked her foil causing her to tumble then bit her right in the leg.
But there is some good news for sharks and rays: Researchers from Virginia Tech's College of Natural Resources and Environment are part of a group of scientists that used temporal and spatial comparisons to reveal that extinction risks can be significantly reduced by having effective fisheries management and policies in place to ensure the survival of these vulnerable species. The results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
This distribution pattern provided the research team with the opportunity to study the impact of fisheries management on shark populations. Using decades of data, researchers were able to track shark and ray populations in western Atlantic waters and measure population changes since the U.S. Department of Commerce asked the National Marine Fisheries Service to implement a Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic sharks in 1993.
Conservationist, filmmaker, activist, delinquent - 19-year-old Madison Stewart has been called many things, but to her friends she's simply 'shark girl'. Growing up on the Great Barrier Reef, Madison soon realized the creature she loves most is disappearing fast. Every year up to 80,000 sharks are killed in this UNESCO World Heritage Site for cheap fish steaks and luxury shark fin soup. Turning passion into action, she sets out to stop the slaughter and shatter our perception of these alleged man-eaters. 'Shark Girl is a powerful wake-up call and a moving record of one determined young woman to save the animal she loves, but most others fear.
The West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA) and partners will implement a program based in West Atlanta that provides participants environmental service learning, water stewardship skills, and fosters ocean literacy and appreciation of downstream coastal areas. Participants will have a service learning experience restoring Utoy and Procter Creek. They will then travel from Atlanta, GA to Jupiter, FL for Shark Therapy, a unique opportunity dive with sharks and collect data on sharks and their marine habitat. The Shark Therapy program is led by Jarid Manos, who is an author, speaker, environmental activist, and founder and president of the Great Plains Restoration Council.
Ultimately, this research can help illustrate the marine ecological picture of nearshore Nantucket waters and the potential role the island plays for coastal fishes, especially for vulnerable species that rely on these habitats like Sandbar sharks. The Nantucket Land Council is accepting donations on behalf of Ms. Collatos, and these respective donations will be used to purchase equipment for the project such as: moorings for acoustic receivers, acoustic tags, boat trips to deploy gear, and sampling materials.
The exhibit showcases his photographs and experience with sharks. He's spent more than 10,000 hours underwater with them hoping to bring awareness to the plight of sharks and how important they are to our waters.
Stephanie Kettle, Public Relations Manager at Mote Marine Aquarium said "I think it's a great opportunity to, you know, feel inspired through art and photography, while also visiting the aquarium and seeing the sharks that we have here on-site as well to kind of really just, you know, build that empathy and compassion for sharks and their status around the world."
According to the Chesapeake Bay Program, there are at least 12 species of sharks found in the Bay. While some are quite abundant, others are very rare. The five most common sharks in the Bay include the sandbar shark, bull shark, sand tiger shark, smooth dogfish, and spiney dogfish.
Other common sharks like the sandbar shark and the smooth dogfish are much like the people of the Chesapeake Bay region: they love to munch on blue crab (they also eat other Bay critters like rays and large fish). In fact, the Bay is one of the most important nursery areas on the East Coast for young sandbar sharks.
The shark-like rays already have a history with CITES. Sawfishes, wedgefishes and giant guitarfishes have all previously been listed on CITES Appendices I and II. Trade in the fins of the shark-like rays is high, but the only family that did not have any protection from CITES was the guitarfishes. Six Critically Endangered species of guitarfish were listed as the lead proposals on CITES Appendix II:
Sharks tend to stay away from humans. But shark-human interactions do occur. Most of these encounters happen when people are surf fishing; rarely when swimming. However, in June of 2020, what was most likely a sandbar shark bit a 12-year-old boy at Herring Point in Cape Henlopen State Park. The boy had to be hospitalized and the beach was temporarily closed. But there has only been one other documented shark bite in the past five years. We have no record of a death caused by a shark in Delaware.
The reality is that sharks should be more afraid of us than the other way around. Sharks have been known to attack humans when the animals are confused or curious. If a shark sees a human splashing in the water it may try to investigate leading to an accidental attack.
Many shark species, including sandbar and sand tiger sharks, are vulnerable and are not allowed to be caught. They are top predators, can live as long as 30 years and do not reproduce as frequently as prey species. White sharks can live 50 to 70 years or even longer. The only other non-human shark predator is the orca, also known as the killer whale, which often strikes in a group known as a pod. Orcas are the apex predators of the seas.
Sharks keep ocean ecosystems in balance. They limit the abundance of their prey, which in turn affects the prey of those animals, and so on throughout the food web. Because sharks directly or indirectly affect all levels of the food web they help to maintain structure in healthy ocean ecosystems.
The catfish Platytropius siamensis is endemic to Chao Phraya and Bang Pakong, but has not been recorded since the 1970s and is considered extinct.[26] Recent records of the near-endemic cyprinid Balantiocheilos ambusticauda are also lacking and it is possibly extinct.[18][27] Three of the largest freshwater fish in the world are native to the river, but these are all seriously threatened: the critically endangered giant barb (wild populations have been extirpated from Chao Phraya, but remain elsewhere),[20] critically endangered giant pangasius,[28] and endangered giant freshwater stingray.[29] The critically endangered red-tailed black shark, a small colourful cyprinid that is endemic to Chao Phraya, is commonly seen in the aquarium trade where it is bred in large numbers, but the only remaining wild population is at a single location that covers less than 10 km2 (4 sq mi).[22] The endangered dwarf loach, another species bred in large numbers for the aquarium trade, has been extirpated from most of its range in Chao Phraya.[30] The critically endangered Siamese tigerfish has been entirely exirpated from Chao Phraya and Mae Klong, but small populations remain in the Mekong basin.[31]
Many other species that either are prominent in the aquarium trade or important food fish are native to the Chao Phraya basin, such as the climbing perch, blue panchax, Asian bumblebee catfish, giant snakehead, striped snakehead, walking catfish, banded loach, several Yasuhikotakia loaches, tinfoil barb, Siamese algae eater, silver barb, pearl danio, rainbow shark, Hampala barb, black sharkminnow, Leptobarbus rubripinna, long pectoral-fin minnow, bonylip barb, Jullien's golden carp, blackline rasbora, scissortail rasbora, Tor tambroides, finescale tigerfish, marble goby, Chinese algae eater, giant featherback, clown featherback, giant gourami, several Trichopodus gouramis, iridescent shark, several Pangasius, Belodontichthys truncatus, several Phalacronotus sheatfish, several Wallago catfish, largescale archerfish, smallscale archerfish, and wrestling halfbeak.[33] 041b061a72